child is now in Grade 6, the second year of Cycle Three, in his/her
final Elementary school year.
Our classroom
is a co-operative environment, where respect for each other
is essential. Only
in such conditions can all members, both children and adults feel
secure to grow and reach their full potential.
In this spirit of respect and cooperation all
members of the school community are expected to follow the school
policy for ‘Positive Social Behaviour’. This includes being appropriate
in both dress and language at all times, as well as being prompt
and prepared for classes. [A listing of this policy is to be found
in the student agenda.]
The information
that follows is a general overview. Please contact me if you have
any questions. I feel
it is very important for both parents and teachers to work together
in the best interests of your child.
Also should you have any specific concerns about your
child, or his/her work please
contact me as soon as possible.
Your Child's Teachers For this year are as follows:
Language Arts, Math and Science
Mrs. Lynda Adams
French, Social Science, Art & Drama
M. Patrick Laverdiere
Physical Education & Health
Ms. Mary Antioco.
Ms. Lee-Ann Mascis
Resource teacher
Ms. Francesca
Our school runs on a regular Monday to Friday
schedule. Your child
has received a detailed schedule of his or her daily classes. The
day begins with a homeroom period at 8:30. Should your child
arrive at school after this period it is necessary that he or she
report their arrival to the secretary in the school office.
begin at 8:40; we break for recess at 10:10 to 10:30, and for lunch at 12:00, until 12:55. The
school day finishes at 3:00.
Please note that students are required to
change for gym [into shorts and Tee shirts] this clothing will
be needed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Library books both in
English and French will be exchanged on Tuesdays.
In class
we work in cooperative teams, changed monthly, which encourage students
to learn to work with and to appreciate each other. Also in this
vein of appreciating differences we will be looking at other cultures
as various holidays occur throughout the year. This cultural diversification
will help provide a background for your child to make informed ethical
choices as part of the Ethics program.
All students
have an agenda to aid them in the organization of their work. Use
of an agenda is very important organizational tool that will when
mastered, aid your child throughout their lives. Each day your child
will be asked to enter his/her assignments. A detailed explanation
of these regular assignments is listed in the homework section on
this site.
The agenda
is also for communication with any of your child’s teachers.
However if you do include a message please remind your child
to show it to me as I check the agendas weekly not daily.
All students
are expected, at this level, to be comfortable with both reading
and writing cursive lettering. Home
practice booklets can be given to those students experiencing difficulty.
As your
child is in his/her final year here before moving on to High School
there will be some additional programs added to the regular curriculum.
These are aimed to ease the stress caused by this major step and
will include work on relationship skills, drug awareness and dealing
with peer pressure. As Grade 6 students, they will also have Ministry
of Education exams in May.
the year there will also be special days when we invite you to join
us. Please watch for
notice of these important sharing events and support your child’s
Curriculum Outlines
The following outlines cover the
core subjects taught at this level.
In Language Arts we use a thematic approach.
These themes are taken from “The Literacy Place Program,” Learning
Evaluation Situations, current events or topics of student interest.
Within these themes all the Language Arts strands are practiced.
[Reading, writing, speaking
and listening]
One of the most important and necessary Language
Arts skills is reading. We expect our students to read daily, your
encouragement in this endeavor would be much appreciated. Students
will read their choices of books for enjoyment and assigned texts
for information, reading both silently and aloud. This year the
specific skills focus will be on oral fluency and reading speed.
In writing the students will create personal
narratives, stories, poems and write responses to the work of others,
whilst developing their revision, editing and proof reading skills.
They will learn to recognize and use the various structures and
features of literature.
Your child’s progress this year will be monitored
through the use of Progression of Learning checklists, conforming
to the Ministry of Education standards.
Evaluation will be made over 3 terms, using the
following Evaluation Tools:
Literary Assignments
Reading Responses
Research projects & presentations
Developmental Reading
Assessment [DRA]
Learning Evaluation Situations [LES]
Grade 6 Ministry of Education’s Evaluation situation
[E.S.] will be in May 2012. This examination will count for 20%
of the final mark.
The focus of the Math program is on improving basic
skills and mathematical language, then applying these skills to
‘Situational Problems’. These problems are ‘situations’ which require
the student to determine and develop a plan of action then use the
various basic math skills already mastered to solve it. In these
‘situations’ it is the process leading to the solution which
is most important as there is often more than one correct answer.
During the year we use a variety of resources based
on the MEQ program, including the “Nelson Math” textbook. The main
workbook in use for basic skills this year will be “Prism.” Problem
solving strategies are taught using the “The Problem Solver” and
Quebec Ministry produced application and situational problems.
In terms of Math homework, there will be the weekly
problems and finishing of work begun that day in class.
Your child’s
progress this year will be monitored through the use of Progression
of Learning checklists, conforming to the Ministry of Education
Evaluation will be made over 3 terms, using the
following Evaluation Tools:
Situational Problems
Grade 6’s Ministry of Education’s Evaluation
situation [E.S.] will take place in May 2012. This examination will
count for 20% of the final mark.
Cette année, votre enfant continuera à approfondir ses connaissances de
la langue française. Par le biais de thèmes, il va
- Prendre
plaisir à lire et exercer sa pensée critique.
- Rédiger des textes variés.
- Utiliser
la langue orale dans de nombreuses situations.
- Réaliser des projets
3ième cycle, l’enseignement du français se fait à raison d’une heure
par jour.
Evaluation will be made over 3 terms, using the
following Evaluation Tools:
Grilles d’observation
Tests de comprehension
Situations d’apprentissage et d’evaluation
Grade 6 students will take part in the Ministry
of Education’s Evaluation situation [E.S.] in May 2012.
Social Science
Geography, History and Citizenship
This program focuses on developing the student’s
awareness of society in different eras and areas.
Specifically the historical focus in Cycle 3
is on Quebec
and Canadian Society through the 1800s and into the early 1900s:
Geographically it is the various regions of
Quebec, Canada
and an introduction to the world:
Citizenship studies different levels of government,
also the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Our Cycle 3 social
science textbook: “Places
in Time”
Evaluation will be made over 3 terms, using the
following Evaluation Tools:
Tests & Quizzes
Research projects & presentations
Natural Science
Science & Technology
In this program, the
topics covered are all parts of the Ministry Science & Technology
program and our own school’s Environmental Literacy Program.
of these programs aim to provide students with opportunities
to explore, hands-on, and learn about natural systems and human
impact. All science disciplines are taught whilst investigating
these topics.
The students will learn how:
to think critically about environmental issues.
to use scientific tools and methods.
to communicate their ideas.
to discover man’s impact on the environment and to make lifestyle
choices that lead to a more balanced and sustainable future.
Our Cycle 3 science textbook: “Adventure – Expeditions
into Science and Technology”
Evaluation will be made over 3 terms, using the
following Evaluation Tools:
Tests & Quizzes
Research projects & presentations
Our Cycle 3 science textbook: “Adventure – Expeditions
into Science and Technology”